Beyond the Classroom: Real World Experience and Football Predictions
Hosted by

Nick Schlemmer
Podcast Host

Jack McFarlane
Podcast Host
About this episode
Beyond the Classroom: Real World Experience and Football Predictions
Hosts: Jack McFarlane & Nick Schlemmer
This week on The Play by Play podcast, Jack McFarlane and Nick Schlemmer met up to talk about life outside of the classroom walls.
– Internships and Their Impact on Post-Graduation Opportunities
– Internship Experiences and Requirements
– Industries and Companies with High Internship Rates
– College Football and NFL Betting Predictions
– Final Thoughts and Quote of the Show
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Transcript follows:
Jack McFarlane 0:07
Hi everyone, and welcome to the HR Happy Hour Network. This is The Play by Play podcast hosted by myself, Jack McFarlane and Nick Schlemmer.
Nick Schlemmer 0:14
Hey guys, how’s it going?
Jack McFarlane 0:16
Well, it’s official. We are back in the swing of school, sadly or happily, I don’t know how you’re feeling about Nick. You’re still on internship, but you’ll be back into school soon enough. Okay, so I figured that we’d come at you guys with kind of a school themed episode, all right, first, we’re going to talk internships, you know, obviously, like I just said, Nick is on his so that’ll be great insight. And then second, we’re going to bring it up with some college football in NFL, but a lot of college football, and we’re just very excited for it.
Nick Schlemmer 0:49
Jack getting into our first segment of this show we’re going to be talking about college. The job does having this internship help you post graduation, and now all the data that we’re going to be using and speaking about today is from the National Association of Colleges and Employers and Jack one of the things that they pointed out right away was that at least 60% of students from the classes, the graduating classes of 2013 to 2017 had an internship, or at least went on one for three months to maybe six months, for example, while they’re in school, so for four years. Normally, studies also show that more students want to go on internships than those who actually get to complete one, which I kind of thought was interesting. And what do you think about that?
Jack McFarlane 1:40
At first I’m I’m not surprised at all. I mean, especially nowadays, I bet that number is actually higher once the data comes out from, like, our age group of internships. I bet it’s gone up, because I always hear teachers and faculty and other students talking about, oh, I went on this internship, or I’m gonna go on that, or apply for this, do that. Um, I know at Nebraska, that was huge. I mean, you’re on internship right now in the program, you have to, yeah, you have to do four internships, actually, so a lot of it is required now that you have to go on a paid internship too. Yep, that’s kind of another change that I think we’ll get into, but it’s paid versus unpaid. But the number that surprises me is that of the kids that don’t go on one two thirds of them want to. And my only thought behind that is, at this point, it’s so easy to reach out and get an internship. What is holding you back? Right? So I feel like the only reason wouldn’t go is because you just didn’t want to. Because, like, the every school has so many resources that that that actually caught me off guard, because I felt like anyone that’s not going just doesn’t want to go, you know.
Nick Schlemmer 2:48
I agree with you completely. And it makes me kind of wonder if, if some of those students are maybe coming from, like, smaller schools, for example, who may that’s a good point, who maybe aren’t, like, heavily pushing the hands on experience as like a Utah University of Utah, or Nebraska, or like any of those big name schools, like those schools now every single major you have some sort of internship requirement or hours working requirement, but yeah, I mean, there’s really nothing holding holding us back, right? It’s simply an email or a phone call, just asking. And chances are people of the older generations who are looking to hire, they’re going to be more than willing to to bring on a return.
Jack McFarlane 3:34
That is good. That is like, handing them, you know, a good job candidate, because you’re just saying, like, hey, I’m interested in this topic. I want to work, and I don’t need to be paid full time. They’re gonna make, oh my gosh, this is great. Like, I know, I’m sure for you, you reaching out. I bet you’ve never really been, you know, like, shunned away from reaching out somewhere. They were probably like, Oh, Nick Schlemmer, I’m not even gonna talk to this guy, this guy we’re not getting. He’s not setting foot on this course.
Nick Schlemmer 4:02
Yeah, haha.
Jack McFarlane 4:03
I’m sure they never say that.
Nick Schlemmer 4:04
Never had anything like that. It’s literally as simple as one having a resume, and then having a quality resume along with that, and then just making yourself seen on LinkedIn and other platforms that you can use to kind of put yourself out there. But yeah, as far as reaching out goes, they’ll never, they’ll never turn you down. You’ll at least get an email back saying we’re not looking to hire anybody.
Jack McFarlane 4:31
That makes me want to ask you, like, and we’ll get into your experience, um, a little bit later on. But I want to ask like, how did you get yours? Did you just, like, look up a course and find them. Did you use a LinkedIn or an indeed? Like, how did you get your two internships?
Nick Schlemmer 4:48
Yeah, so, so both of mine have kind of been unique in a way, and we’ll, I’ll mainly focus on the one I’m on right now, currently in Florida. I. But so at the University of Nebraska, we have a database full of of where all the past students in the program have gone. And so I was looking through that, and was looking for courses, and I found the Florida section. It was looking through them. And then about a month later, we had our, you remember our little monthly meetings that we had to do, oh yeah. And over a zoom call the director of golf, Travis, is his name, came on to talk to us from Boca, West Country Club where I’m currently at. And he was born and raised in Lincoln, huge Husker fan, and it’s in South Florida. They have four golf courses. I was like, Oh, this sounds amazing. Why wouldn’t I want to try this, or at least give it a shot? And, yeah, so the rest was kind of history. I didn’t really dive too deep into researching or or using that database that I mentioned. It was more of there was a connection there from school, and it got me an easy foot in the door, at least to, like, get the ball rolling with the application and the hiring process. So might not have been exactly, you know, the cookie cutter route to internship, but I feel like there every route is probably going to look a little bit differently, different colleges or anything like that.
Jack McFarlane 6:19
Yeah, I think that just shows like that there’s not one specific way to get an internship. I mean, that is a that’s a perfect example. And that’s also like, I feel like with jobs especially, or like, um, even changing careers or whatever, like knowing someone or having that foot in the door is like the biggest thing. So I think that is like, that is like a super, probably stress free way to get an internship. Like, I remember some kids were stressing to find internships when I was there, and that probably took all the all that away from you. So that’s good.
Nick Schlemmer 6:48
That’s probably another thing. We were talking about those two thirds of non interns who wanted to do it, but they couldn’t do it. Or that’s probably that, like, it’s almost so not to say it’s so simple to get an internship, but, like, it’s right there, it’s bolded, but you just think in the back of your mind, I gotta do this. Do this. Do this. Call this guy, this guy. Like you just kind of wrap yourself up in it. Then you end up, you end up not doing it.
Jack McFarlane 7:15
That’s a good point. That’s really good point. And then this next statistic actually comes from Chegg, which is that like homework help or study Help site. So this is the only one that is different from the NACE, but it says that over half of the students who do an internship go on to do at least one more. So it’s kind of like a thing. Well, once you do one, you’ll do it multiple times. You know, you’re a great example that, once again, you’re on your second internship, and you’ll end up doing four, right? Yeah, four in total, four, yeah, so, and that is because you are required, but I bet you would want to do, you know, at least two, like, you enjoy it. So, oh, of course.
Nick Schlemmer 7:55
I feel like, yeah, every student would want to do another one, unless you like, just so happen to not only take an internship until like, your senior year, where you’re going to graduate, then hopefully that internship leads into a job. But, yeah, if you’re a freshman, you go on an internship. It’s almost like it’s definitely a job, like you’re a full time job, but it’s trying to find something that you like to do, so whether or not it’s in the field you think you want to go into, or like, your job searching like, there’s so many different avenues that you can take to where it like makes you want to, oh, I want to do another one and try again.
Jack McFarlane 8:31
There’s this statistic to back that up. It says that about 67-68% of students pursue an internship for the experience, but then the rest of them pursue it just to explore career options. So it’s just like you said, it’s not all about, oh, you know you’re going to do golf, so you’re going to just go get your experience. Now, it could be, I don’t know if this is right for me. Let me try it out for a couple months and see what happens. Yeah. So, yeah, that’s a great point that you bring up another statistic I have here. It kind of leads into what you said previously about, you know, if you’re a senior, getting an internship and it leading into another job. Obviously, that is probably the main benefit if I if I picked out one benefit of an internship, it would be that it would hopefully eventually lead to a full time job in 2023 it intern hiring was at a 9.1% increase. It is an increase of where it was. I don’t have the base number, but the increase was 9.1 compared to full time hiring, which is just, you know, people off the street applying, which was at 3.9% so, I mean, it’s, yeah, more than double, you know, about two and a half times higher for internship hiring, which I know your sister, my cousin, Halle, she’s already been offered a job right at her internship.
Nick Schlemmer 9:53
Yeah. And that’s the huge thing about internships, is that it’s basically you’re giving the employer that you want to work for is giving you, kind of, like, this opportunity to show them what you can do before even, like, fully hiring you Right? Like an internship, you’re gonna you have an end date right away. You’re gonna leave. But it’s almost like a it’s an easy step in the door to where, if you do good nine times out of 10, they’re probably going to want you back.
Jack McFarlane 10:22
Yeah, yeah, and that makes sense to go along with that. We said something just previously about paid versus unpaid. And this is also, according to NACE, that paid interns are about twice as likely to get the job after graduation compared to unpaid. I don’t know why that would be, um, I feel like an internships and internship, but yeah, maybe if it’s a paid one, you’re putting in better effort, and therefore, you know, the company thinks you’re doing better. I don’t know that’d be my only guess. Like, I just learned about this in class the it was a macro class about, you know, how much you have to pay someone to do their job, but also not slack off at the same time. So maybe it’s like, if you’re an unpaid internship, you know you’re there, but you’re not putting your best effort, versus if you were paid, that’d be my only guess. I don’t, are you surprised about that at all?
Nick Schlemmer 11:18
No, I mean, honestly, I’m not. Because I think that, you know, having that, that pay coming in, in the backside, is like, very, how do I want to say this? It’s going to make you more driven right to, it’s like an incentive. It’s an incentive. That’s what I was trying to say. Yeah, perfect. The incentive is there to where, if you say, you go on an internship and it’s non paid, and it turns out to be something that you maybe don’t really like or you don’t really fit in with, I could totally see myself not putting my best foot forward every day, like something of that nature, to where, if I was paid and I found something that I love doing at all the better, yeah, yeah.
Jack McFarlane 12:03
And then, just to wrap up, our statistics, I found that there are certain industries and even certain companies that hire interns at a much steeper rate, like so. For instance, PwC said that over 90% and this is according to PwC on their internship page, but found that over 90% of their interns go on to be at least offered the job at PWC. So like, if I’m looking for an internship with the goal of getting a job, maybe PwC is a good place to start. Like 90% that’s you kind of have to mess that up.
Nick Schlemmer 12:43
That’s just one of those things that internships can offer is you can kind of look up the research about it, to where college majors versus post graduation, having a job post graduation, like right away. To where internships only boost that number, right? Oh, yeah, you’re doing a good job while you’re on internship. That just incredibly increases that percentage to 100%.
Jack McFarlane 13:11
And then kind of to round that out is just here are some of the industries that have a slightly higher percentage of hiring interns that that would be accounting, tech, insulting and politics. So maybe, I don’t know, I I would not have, I would have guessed the other three, but I would not have guessed politics.
Nick Schlemmer 13:30
That would be an interesting internship.
Jack McFarlane 13:34
I wonder, yeah. I wonder what you do on a political internship, like you go help your Senator or whatever, like be the assistant. I don’t know. I have no idea. Hands on an A, yeah, hands on. You’re the judge, internship judge. But now I kind of want to transition into, you know, from your first hand experience, are there any other benefits other than you know what we’ve talked about, like getting a job and getting an experience that you have found on your internship?
Nick Schlemmer 14:00
Yeah? Well, I mean, we briefly mentioned it before, but having multiple internships, or even if you only have one, you’re going to meet so many new people along the way and create many new connections. And all those connections can lead to different windows, different avenues down the down in the future that you might even know not even exist yet. So, like I said, creating those connections, and then you’re also getting to, like, possibly travel around the US, test out different places where you might want to end up. Because sometimes, you know, we go to school, maybe in your home state, when in the end, you want to get a job outside of your home state, so you take an internship elsewhere. I’d say those two are kind of the main ones. It’s an opportunity to travel and it’s an opportunity to to grow your own brand and also create many, many connections.
Jack McFarlane 14:57
Yeah, and like you said, you never know where you know networking will take you. But, but that point about the traveling? Like, obviously, I know you travel for an internship, like, you’ve been to Colorado, and now you’re in Florida, and you go to school and Lincoln’s like, but I didn’t even think of that like, that. That’s such a obvious, but not obvious, yeah. So yeah, I think that that’s fantastic. Yeah. Well, yeah, I think that was all fantastic. Nick, we’re going to take a quick break, and then, guys, we’re going to be back. We’ve got best bets, uh, specifically for football season, so we’ll be back in a second.
Jack McFarlane 15:27
And we’re back. Guys, like I said right before we went on break, we’re going to be talking some best bets, some football Nick and I obviously, we’re in college. I don’t know if you guys knew that, but we are in college, so we’re big college football fans for our schools, but we’re going to do a little bit of college and a little bit of NFL, right? So the seasons just started. It’ll be week two in college, starting tonight with for some schools, and NFL started last night. So we went through and picked some of our favorite bets, and these will be future bets, just because it is, you know, such an early season. So do you want to start us off? Nick, give me your first bet, the one that you found that you liked?
Nick Schlemmer 16:12
The one that I found I liked the most. So most of mine, but all of mine actually, Jack’s going to touch on a little bit more of the NFL than I am, but we’re going straight away, straight into the Heisman winner for this year. Most times I feel like it’s a QB and I’m not too big in football. Don’t know, like all the stats behind the voting and all that stuff, but, and it kind of hurts me to choose this guy, because we’re playing them tomorrow night in Lincoln Nebraska, but Travis Hunter, for the Heisman from the Colorado buffs, he’s a dual player, offense and defense he brings a lot to the table, and I’m gonna leave it down.
Jack McFarlane 16:52
He’s kind of like, he’s like hits and pitches. So he gets to control more of the game. So attract. You know, Travis Hunter plays wide receiver and defensive back. He gets to control just more of the game than any other player other than maybe the quarterback. So I think that’s a good pick. And for those that want to know the odds on that, these are from ESPN bet, but that is at plus 2200 so if you really felt strongly about that, and you’re listening like that is a lot of value, right? And I know a lot of people have bet, I think that’s the most popular pick for Heisman, just because the number’s so huge. Like, if you bet $100 you’re winning two grand, right? So he’s such a good player. Like, he’s phenomenal. Um, I also picked a heist event. I went in a different direction. I know it’s going to be a quarterback most likely every year, right? You know, same for like, NFL MVP, it’s almost always a quarterback. So I’m going with the transfer from Washington State to the University of Miami. I’m going with Cam Ward looked incredible versus Florida in the swamp. I saw a meme that he was like, the chillest player in all of college football, and it just showed him, like, kind of like, just, you know, non Salant throwing, like, a 30 yard dime and just like, super chill. So I thought that was funny. But transfer quarterbacks, they might not win you a championship unless your name’s Joe burrow, but they’ll win a Heisman. You know, Joe burrow was transfer on the Heisman. Caleb Williams, Jane Daniels, you know, the past four of one, I’ve been transfer quarterback, so I’m sticking with the trend that’s at plus 900 I think he’s third or fourth, like as the most favorite to win it. So it’s not that shock. It’s not that big of a shock pick. But, yeah, that’s kind of that’s where my head’s at there. I’ll jump over to the NFL. Real quick, like Nick said, he’s got three college I’ve got five total two NFL, so I’ll mix them in there. The first one from the NFL, this one, you know, shot it to our grandpa. That’s where I’m getting this from, is for Detroit to win the NFC. There’s a couple reasons I think that. One, I think there are 12 and five team. I’ve looked at their schedule. It’s not easy, like they’re in a hard division, but they won the Division last year, so they’ve got the experience. They were a couple plays away from beating the Niners in San Francisco in the NFC Championship. You know, there’s, that’s a couple fourth down calls away from they are playing the Chiefs instead of the Niners. So I think they get it done this year. Jared Goss got the experience. He’s already been to a Super Bowl with the Rams. Um, almond, Ross, st, brown, great receiver, Sam Laporta. I had to guard him freshman year, so I have to pick him. But yeah, that one’s, you know, plus 550 not that hot of a take. Once again, my takes are not that hot. I have one hot take. My dicks are not that hot. What? Let’s jump over to your second bet. Nick, so what are you thinking for your second bet?
Nick Schlemmer 19:46
Yep. So my second bet, it’s college football, and it is a total wins over, under. And of course, I had to go with my school, the University of Nebraska. They have the bar set at seven and a half a. Over under seven and a half wins, and looking at the schedule, and, you know, I might be a little bit biased, because I go to the school, but looking at the schedule, I think there’s a shot. It’s not a guarantee, but I think there’s a shot for eight wins. So I took the over at seven and a half, over seven and a half, and the odds on that, or the line on that was minus 134.
Jack McFarlane 20:24
Yeah. So I’m just going to quickly, I’m going to quickly pull up their schedule, and I’m going to, I’m going to walk through it live, and I’m going to see if I agree. So obviously they are want to know, okay, they beat UTEP that that is obvious. So I gotta find seven more wins on here.
Nick Schlemmer 20:42
Gotta find seven wins.
Jack McFarlane 20:43
I gotta find seven wins. Okay, definitely. I gotta find the like, easy wins. Okay, first of all, Northern Iowa, so there’s two Rutgers. Is three. Um, those are like, guaranteed. I think you could throw in your third strings and win those games. Colorado is in Lincoln. I’m gonna, I think Nebraska will beat Colorado. There’s four. Um, you know, they’ll start, yeah, so three? No, I think you guys will go three. And honestly, Illinois, not that good of a football team. I say we played well. And the thing is, like, Nebraska has their quarterback of the future, right? Dylan Iola is legit. So, you know, who does anyone know who Illinois’s quarterback is? No so I’m gonna say, I’m gonna say, Nebraska starts, starts four now, plus of win at Rutgers, they go to Purdue.
Nick Schlemmer 21:35
To Purdue. Yep, last year we beat them at home. See how they are as a home squad.
Jack McFarlane 21:41
I mean, Purdue, and they’re okay, they’re a basketball school, right? Yeah, I think I’ll give you Purdue. I’ll give you Purdue. So there’s, I mean, I’m giving you guys starting, six and oh, 123, or five, okay, six and oh, so two more wins. But, I mean, it does get tough down the street.
Nick Schlemmer 21:59
Tough in the middle, middle, end of the season. Yeah.
Jack McFarlane 22:05
In Bloomington against Indiana, I’ll give you Indiana too. There’s seven. I feel like the first half of your season is not that bad. First half, it’s gonna first rank up.
Nick Schlemmer 22:17
The first half gives us the opportunity to start, start. Yeah.
Jack McFarlane 22:20
So bowl game, you guys are bowl game bound right now, seven and oh, let’s see at Ohio State, at Ohio State that one, I’m gonna say you’re blues. I think Ohio State might have you numbered there, but I also think Ohio State’s gonna win the national championship. So that’s not a knock on Nebraska, um, UCLA. I’m gonna pick UCLA. You know, I am a PAC 12 guy, yep. Um, same goes for USC. First of all, USC looked incredible, too. USC looked awesome. That That game was incredible. And that’s in Los Angeles. I think you go on a skid and a three game skid, seven and three. Is it seven and a half? So it’s eight wins. Eight wins cover.
Nick Schlemmer 23:02
Yeah all right.
Jack McFarlane 23:03
I’ll give you Wisconsin too. I say you cover in your second last game Wisconsin, eight and three.
Nick Schlemmer 23:10
Come Wisconsin. We always wrap up the year with Iowa, and that’s just
Jack McFarlane 23:16
a okay. So, yeah. So now you’re eight and three. Let’s see Iowa and Iowa.
Nick Schlemmer 23:20
Yeah, it’s in Iowa. This it’s so hard to tell
Jack McFarlane 23:23
this far in advance, because, like, Dylan riola could really improve. I mean, obviously he played really good, but it was against Utah, right? So it’s hard to say, will he be that good against, you know, top 25 teams, I think he will be in Iowa rivalry. That’s tough. Yeah, that’s a toss up, because I was defense is incredible and their offense is atrocious. Yeah, I’m gonna give it. I’m gonna Uh, okay, you watch Nebraska football. How good is their defense?
Nick Schlemmer 23:54
Jack McFarlane 23:55
Is it solid? Is it okay? Is it even just middle of the pack? No, it’s okay.
Nick Schlemmer 23:59
It’s funny. Yeah, their their defense is going to be highly ranked or rated, just like it was, yeah.
Jack McFarlane 24:04
All right, here’s, here’s my bold prediction for this game. I think it’s going to be a Nebraska win. So I think you go nine and three, I think you are going to finish the season ranked 15th. I think you’re going to be the 17th team, and they’re going to be 15, and you guys are going to beat him in Iowa. Take over 15 and it’s going to be 17 to six. That’s a crazy defensive battle. Defensive battle. Someone gave me the odds on that is incredible.
Nick Schlemmer 24:36
That’s incredible plus 100,000
Jack McFarlane 24:45
I think, well, that’s my bet, right there, guys, that’s my surefire. I know that’s happening. I just looked into the future. No, okay, I agree with you all that to say, Yeah, I think that I would pitch a shot as well. There’s a shot, I think, I think, I think there’s a realistic like, it’s not even like, it’s a long shot, like, I think it’s, it would be more surprising if they didn’t at this point.
Nick Schlemmer 25:08
These will all kind of, like, fall into place better as we see how they play against Colorado tomorrow.
Jack McFarlane 25:13
Colorado is the biggest game for the next two months. You know, the next biggest game is in Ohio. So you know, even if you lose to Colorado, you’re, I, I’m pretty confident Nebraska would win the next four, right? So you’d still have a lot of momentum going into your your toughest game, which is Ohio State.
Nick Schlemmer 25:31
But speaking of, you know, crazy odds and everything, what was your like out there?
Jack McFarlane 25:37
Okay, so my out there pick was, was for the NFL. Um, and I, you know, I realistically, would I bet much money on this? No, would I bet a single dollar? Yeah, I might throw $1 down on this, but it’d be Rome, odunset or oduns. A, I don’t, I know it’s odunset. Romo dunsa to win offensive Rookie of the Year. Um, lot of new quarterbacks, right? Caleb Williams, Bo nicks, Jayden, Daniels Drake, may quarterbacks, usually win offensive Rookie of the Year. I just really like Roma dunsey. I saw him play a ton. Um, obviously he played for Washington, so he played against him. I saw him play, you know, a lot in the pack 12. And then, obviously, when they went on their playoff run, everyone got to see him. He’s incredible, right? I think he is. Just could be the best receiver in this class, better than Marvin Harrison Jr. So I don’t know that’s my that’s plus 4000 if I didn’t say that already that Well, that one’s out there. That is my shock pick of other than my various highly specific plus 100 million brows. Good game. Yeah. What’s your final what is the final bet that you had out there?
Nick Schlemmer 26:50
So final one, still keeping it with Travis Hunter, with college football. I was looking at his past stats going over his like we said, he’s a he’s offensive and defensive player, but this one, we’re going to be looking at his total receiving yards, so not running yards, just receiving. And they have it set at 875 total receiving yards for the season, for the 12 to 13 game season. And I’m taking the over on this. I think that now Colorado has a few good wide receivers throw to and, yeah, I think Travis is going to cover it. Last year he had, it was like 700 it was seven and that’s with an injury. Yeah, with an injury, he was like mid, mid seven hundreds. So if he stays healthy all year, and, you know, Colorado’s gonna have a couple of those games too, to where it’s like smaller schools, yeah, where there’s potential, where he can gun it downfield for a nice 9080, yard, exactly.
Jack McFarlane 27:52
That’s, that’s where I think the over is nice, because he’s so explosive. You know, he like, against North Dakota State, he took a bubble screen, like, 60 yards for a touchdown,
Nick Schlemmer 28:02
one broken tackle in 30 yards.
Jack McFarlane 28:06
Like, he can score from anywhere. And like those games, like, you know, he could be having a bad game, have, like, three catches for 10 yards, and then get a 90 yard touchdown out of nowhere and save it right? Like, so I’m with you there too. I think, though, as barring an injury, right? Hopefully he doesn’t get injured, but I agree with you there. Well, I guess I’ll wrap it up here. I’ve got two more bets. I’ll stick No, I’ll jump to my last college bet. Obviously, I had to make some sort of Utah bet. I’ve already bet before. You know, a couple months ago, Utah’s winning the big 12. I’m very confident on that still. But just in case, this bet is just to make the playoffs at plus 180 so even if we lose the big 12, as long as we’re ranked, you know, high enough, we can still make it. So that’s my bet there playoff now, yeah, but not a shock. I think everyone would have guessed that I would have done some sort of Utah bet. And then my final one, this one might be my most confident bet at the moment, would be max Crosby to win defensive player of the year in the NFL plus 750 surprises me. I think he was second or third last year in the running. And I mean, he is incredible. He is he’s on the lions, right, uh, he’s on the Raiders. That is Aiden Hutchinson, another white guy, both white addressers. So, I mean, you’re on the right track. But Max Crosby for his last year, 90 tackles, 14 and a half sacks, two force fumbles, and 50 quarterback pressures is going to be even better this year. I think he gets to about 18 sacks, 19 sacks, he’s going to win it easily. I I’m so confident on it, unless he gets injured. Yeah, he’s just an otherworldly talent now that Aaron and especially now that like Aaron Donald’s not playing. Mean, it’s anyone’s award. So yeah, I think Max Crosby is gonna take it home. That kind of wraps it up for for my bets, there, do you have any others nick or is that kind of it for you too?
Nick Schlemmer 30:13
I don’t have any other bets, but I’ve got a question for you. Back to college football. Of all the players from last year who got drafted, are you more excited to see as far as offensive players goes? Are you more excited to see the quarterbacks or the wide receiver class? Really good, both really again, wow. Because there’s a few wide receivers that I that I really like, just like the personalities and everything.
Jack McFarlane 30:37
Oh yeah, like, um, I mean, obviously last night with Chief Xavier worthy was, you know, just so much fun to watch. Then you have his counterpart, Kian Coleman in Buffalo, Malik, neighbors in New York, Marvin in Rome, wow, I’m gonna say quarterbacks, just because they have more control over the game, right? Like week one might go out and, you know, Roma dunes, they could get zero targets. You know, what is he supposed to do? Yeah? But yeah, I think quarterbacks just because they have more control over it, but yeah, that is such a that’s a tough question, because every receiver so explosive and so fun to watch, and not every quarterback is like, like, Bo Nix is not some flashy quarterback. He’s not, I’m not going to go watch him week one, unless I’m, you know, flipping through the channel, yeah. But I think Caleb Williams is is exciting, and Jaden Daniels is exciting, man, um, yeah. Now I’m kind of talking myself out of it. I’m gonna go, you know, I’m switching it. This is thinking out loud, I’m switching the receivers. You’re right, the receivers, I think, will be more exciting to watch, um, just because they’re all exciting, and not every quarterback’s exciting. And I like Drake may too. Drake May is not an exciting player, okay, so yeah, and he won’t play for a while anyway. So yeah, I’m switching the receivers.
Nick Schlemmer 32:03
I asked it then I was curious, because I was thinking about it this whole time we were talking about it, I was like, I wonder.
Jack McFarlane 32:10
Yep, you got me to talk myself out of it. Congratulations. All right, well, we’ll take another really short break, and then we’ll hit you guys with our favorite part of the show, you know, quote of the show.
Nick Schlemmer 32:28
Alrighty, everyone. So we are back with the quote of the show, me and Jack, I think it’s been a great episode today. It’s definitely been fun to talk about it.
Jack McFarlane 32:36
It’s been a super fun one. I’ve really enjoyed this episode, definitely.
Nick Schlemmer 32:39
But we got the quote of the show. And this is coming from, I’m not entirely sure his name is Jimmy Dean, not the breakfast. I’m not sure who it was, but I saw his name, and I was like, that’s gonna that’s gonna make a laugh. But this is coming from Jimmy Dean, somewhere out there. And he said, and I quote, you can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust the way your sales go to reach your destination. I know we were talking about internships and stuff like that. So there’s always going to be the direction, the one path you think you may have, but like with the internships, you can go off track, try something else. You just got to change your sales.
Jack McFarlane 33:25
Yeah, that’s perfect. That is perfect. Always come with these quota shows. You know, real shout out to Jimmy Dean, not the breakfast Jimmy Dean, but yeah, Jimmy out there. Thank you. This episode dedicated to that. Jimmy Dean right there. So, yeah, that’s fantastic, you know, always just, you know, adapt to your situation, I guess, you know. And you can do that’s a lot in college and finding a job, so that’s perfect. Um, I just want to say, you know, thanks everyone for listening. I hope you guys were able to laugh as much as we did today. This was a really fun episode, you know. And thank you, Nick, too. So I feel like we don’t say that enough, but yeah, it’s been a blast.
Nick Schlemmer 34:04
Yeah, I everything. Jack just said, couldn’t agree with it. More 26 episodes in and much more to come. That’s all I can really say. Thank you for listening, and bye for now.
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