Empowering Your Workforce: Oracle Grow and the Future of Employee Development

Hosted by

Steve Boese

Co-Founder and Chief Data Officer of H3 HR Advisors and Program Chair, HR Technology Conference

About this episode

Empowering Your Workforce: Oracle Grow and the Future of Employee Development

Hosts: Steve BoeseTrish Steed

Guest: Chris Havrilla, VP of Product Strategy, Oracle

This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, we were joined by Chris Havrilla to talk about the recent innovations in Oracle’s talent management technology.

Oracle Grow: empowering leaders and enhancing the employee experience

– The evoluation of skills across an organization

– How technology is changing the employee experience and how organizations operate


This was a really interesting show, thanks to Chris for joining us!

Learn more about Oracle HCM

Learn more about Oracle ME

Oracle’s Decision Dilemma Study

Tune in to Oracle’s webinar to learn more about Oracle Grow

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Transcript follows:

Steve 0:27
Welcome to the HR Happy Hour Show. My name is Steve Boese. I’m so pleased to be with you today, talking about talent, talent management, talent management technology. It’s really kind of one of my favorite things to do and favorite things to talk about. With one of my favorite people in the entire industry, who I’ve maybe known for ever, literally forever is, I want to welcome back our friend Chris Havrilla. She’s the VP of Product Strategy for Oracle. She’s an experienced HCM leader that helps businesses HR IT leaders spanning internal IT and HR roles on talent, strategy, technology and leadership. She has recently been named one of HR executives top 100 HR Tech Influencers that is a prestigious group of folks I know, Top 30 Women in HR tech, Eight by Eights Top 16 Hybrid Work Influencers that’s a new one to me, pretty cool, and she has been recognized by Analytica and who in the future of work report. Wow, Chris prestigious list of credentials, Chris Havrilla, welcome back to the HR Happy Hour show. How are you?

Chris Havrilla 1:35
Just keep writing those checks to people? No, I’m kidding. I’m doing great. It’s great to be here.

Steve 1:41
Great to have you back. I did not do my homework prior to the show and count up your appearances on this fine, fine podcast Chris. It’s numbering in the in the low single digits to mid single digits for sure. Not your first time here anyway, which is great, though. And we’d love to have Chris back on the show just because of a wealth of knowledge and experience. And familiarity, both what organizations are struggling with in terms of talent, but also technology, right rooted in us some of the most powerful and amazing technologies happening in this space. And that’s what we’re here to talk a little bit today. You and the folks at Oracle have been absolutely killing it over the last I don’t know, six, seven years, just churning out just fantastic solution. After fanstastic solution. Last year, we talked a lot about Oracle, me, it was a new product last year, which really was kind of productizing and making a real solution set around the employee experience, right taking that bago let’s talk about employee experience, making it a real live supported set of applications that employers could take advantage of and people could use, or an award winning product itself. And now this year, we’re talking a little bit about kind of the evolution of that perhaps I could say Oracle Grow, I’d love for you to maybe tell us a little bit about what’s happening in Oracle, then we’ll get into learn a little bit more about Oracle Grow.

Chris Havrilla 3:07
Absolutely, yeah. I mean, when we announced the Oracle ME, you know, employee experience platform last year, it really was all about the worker, right, you know, communicate with me all the things, right, that we knew were going to make an impact with, with employee experience, and really, you know, the evolution of of that, how do we keep, you know, how do we keep going with that? How do we keep making things better. So, it’s super exciting to kind of be able to announce Oracle Grow, and what it is and what we’re doing with it. So it really is kind of this, you know, notion of taking AI and laying it against all the rich data that we already have, right in, you know, in the Oracle HCM suite. So think about how we bring together skills and learning with people jobs, gigs, careers, mentors, you know, all of all of the things right all discoverable in one place where every employee kind of has visibility, right into what those things impact, right? So not as all the separate pieces, but really, how do we kind of bring all of this together in a really meaningful, clear and simple way? It’s like, I liken it, I know you’re a sports fan like me, right?

Chris Havrilla 4:35
We do all these things to create elite athletes, and we give them super personalized coaching based on what they’re trying to accomplish what they’re trying to do, and it’s really kind of the same thing, right? How do we bring kind of coaching with clarity, right into you know, into insights and value for for worker, right? All around their growth. So You know, to me, this really is how do people experience our technology? Right? As I am a worker? How am I experiencing that? And how can I, you know, how is this helping me? Right? How is this helping me grow? Not just in my mastery of my current role, but what are my options for the future? Right? A think about the struggle bus really that, you know, organizations have had trying to connect and understand the talent they have? What skills do people have? What are our gaps? What do we do? So we, you know, we have all of that with dynamic skills, right? But you think about how organizations are brought learning to individuals is kind of like, here’s all this content, right? And, and we’re empowering you to grow. And, but it’s one thing to be empowered, it’s one thing to have that personalized guidance, right. And that’s a lot.

Chris Havrilla 5:58
That’s a lot to expect of a worker, it’s a lot to expect of a manager, right, but that data is all there and in in in different ways, right? Not just what I might be doing, but what have other people in my role done. Right? What have other people with the skills and capabilities that I have? What have they done in terms of future options? So it really is how do we kind of bring all this together with a clear vision of the skills they need to advance in their current roles, but show them potential possibilities and outcomes for acquiring new skills? Or how do I uncover opportunities that I can leverage the skills I have and continue to, to have? So you know, when I think about capabilities, you know, unified growth, experience all the things that we talked about with our suite, career paths, personalized development, playlists that they, you know, can even curate on their own? And how do I continue and manage my skills and know how they can be leveraged?

Steve 6:57
Chris, thank you for kind of setting that context. For the listeners, I do think it’s important, and a real leap forward, right? When you have so many systems that organizations acquire, have to really do have tremendous capability. But often that user adoption piece that that consume ability, if that’s even a word, right? It’s sometimes lacking, right? You in your career, I’m certain have seen many organizations that have a lot of significant investments in human capital management and other enterprise technologies, but perhaps don’t see the payoff, often, because they’re just not utilized to the extent that that’s desired or to their potential. That’s one of the things when I read about Oracle Grow, that really is encouraging to me is, hey, we’re taking all these great capabilities, around skills around learning around development, right, and around using that kind of AI kind of engine behind the intelligence. And we’re developing user experiences that meet very specific use cases. So maybe Chris would help if you give an example or two, if a customer was, you know, has adopted Oracle Grow, or will adopt Oracle Grow, might employ be able to do with this tool, or these, these, this set of capabilities that are that are launching here?

Chris Havrilla 8:20
Absolutely. Well, you know, I think about my own career, and I, you know, things have taken my skills and capabilities. I’ve used them in different ways. Right. But it’s always been a little bit by happenstance, maybe it’s timing, maybe it’s you fell into something, maybe you know, someone, right. And, you know, I kind of start with that question of, can you kind of imagine that, you know, have somebody was actually giving you that advisory? All along? Right, yeah, you know, even seeing perhaps visual representation of what that could look like, or the different ways you can move around in an organization. And so, you know, for me, right, having that, like personalized coaching, that’s something we could actually give people we have all of this rich data, right. So, you know, to me, we have a number of questions, whether it comes from the worker, or whether it comes from a mentor, you know, that kind of information can be life changing, right? Yeah, that’s right.

Chris Havrilla 9:23
But to have it done with intention, based on, you know, kind of all this rich data, we think about the things that organizations are challenges, but also workers, you know, maybe I’m trying to find, you know, what my next thing is, you know, what, you know, maybe I’m just trying to master kind of the path I’m already on that I don’t know what I don’t know. And imagine, right, getting those kinds of insights and value so that you can make decisions and take action. And in to your point earlier, right. We’re kind of overwhelmed with all the, with the systems with the data Um, you know, it’s like I liken it to bringing technology onto the team, and using it scale skills and capabilities for the things that maybe the worker doesn’t have time for the manager doesn’t have time for, to see the things that aren’t inherently obvious sometimes. And, and doing it dynamically. Right, you know, to have that AI all within the system against that data and seeing the patterns and trends that, you know, maybe we don’t have time to go through and do. So it’s just like having an additional person on our team.

Steve 10:30
And in addition to that, to that other element, I’d like to just mention here is the the personalized experience, right, that solution like this offers, because we’ve all seen this, right, as we’ve come up through enterprises, right and work worked various jobs that we’ve had, you know, there were certainly lots of in the past lots of limitations in say, learning management systems, or even career development types of applications where they tended to be a little bit rigid, or, or even so generic, from a user perspective, that it’s akin to sending someone out there on their own, and to this massive LMS, perhaps, right, that might be rich with content and very valuable content, but with no guidance or no sort of direction as to well, what is it other than me just doing a self directed search, maybe cross learning content, and hopefully finding something that either can help me today who, whatever role I’m in or be maybe helped me prepare for a role I’d like in the future? Who knows, right? And then see him will fold this party, and we’ll talk about this in a second. What does the organization really looking for right now as well. And that’s another part I’d like to I’d like to discuss a little bit. So the idea that these solutions can scale, but also be very, very personal, I think, is really kind of the evolutionary aspect of them and very powerful too.

Chris Havrilla 12:01
Absolutely, and especially to do it dynamically, because things are changing all the time. Right, right. So what what it might have been today is not what might be tomorrow, right. But it’s constantly learning, it’s growing with, you know, with individuals growing with the organization, but that personalized, you know, hyper personalized, I mean, that’s because we can bring that AI into it. But that ability to continually help the, you know, the model as well, right. You know, make this personal, that people have the ability to put their preferences in. But even if they didn’t, even if they didn’t, it’s got that rich data based on the role and things like that, you know, that that it can be learning, it can help the workers see their skills. I mean, we all know, resumes aren’t perfect. You know, all you know, job descriptions haven’t always been proud.

Steve 12:52
Don’t get me started, I have an item resume rant, I’m ready to go on here.

Chris Havrilla 12:57
Ready to launch? But, you know, how can the system help? Maybe people articulate their skills better? Or maybe help them see where there’s room to grow? Right? So that personalized nature, we’re getting in every facet of our world, what to buy, what to watch, you know, it surfaces things? Sometimes you’re like, yeah, no, I don’t want to watch that. It’s like, wow, I didn’t even know that was a thing. You know what I mean, here, here’s something that really interests me, but that you can continually work together again, it’s like having a collaborator on your team. And that’s why I use that coaching, you know, that coaching analogy, like, it’s interesting, because even as you’re getting stronger skills may be changing. Or there may be other things or it can be applied in other ways. So that hyper personalization is a great call out.

Steve 13:46
Yeah, it’s a great element here, which allows these systems to scale but also feel like they’re really designed just for me, if you will write the generic me and my needs and my goals in mind and we know this right? There’s reams and reams of research out there that indicate a one of the key factors in you know, enhancing employee engagement and keeping folks connected to the organization ultimately retention is this idea that the organization is investing in my own development and my own growth and quote unquote cares if that’s I can’t think of a better word maybe the word is cares right? Yeah tears about about those elements right of this relationship. So you know, after a while we know this right? You can especially now it might be getting tougher for organizations you can only throw so much compensation at someone so many stock options if you even can, right and organization, some organizations probably can’t right now. And the ability to say we’re going to make these investments in you in your growth. We’re going to listen to you we’re going to learn about your preferences, learn about your goals and aspirations and then we’re going to try to you know, give you the tools and resources to hopefully you know, achieve your your best out comes right in the organization, which that signals to the employee, right? Hey, this this organization, you know, I’m not just a cog in the wheel, right, which you can be it can feel that way a lot. It’s really smart organizations it can feel that way.

Chris Havrilla 15:14
Yeah. Especially when somebody is telling you exactly what to do not offering you options, right? And so by by democratizing that data, right, and the insights in a very simple way, not expecting the worker to do it, but to give, you know, people something to think about, and so on, and one pull a thread of something you said, I mean, this notion that things work, again, if we can just keep using that we’re in unprecedented times, right? This notion of uncertainty and change, it really is the the power of a suite like this, because we’re living in a dynamic world, right. And though, I think that ability to continually, you know, change, and absorb, change, and be agile and create workforce agility, so we have organizational agility is huge. But we’re in a weird time again, right? rapid evolution of skills hasn’t stopped, right. But we have a volatile economy. And, you know, we’re hearing about headcount reductions in parallel with skills and talent shortages. Right. And, and that’s putting organizations in a, in a, in a, in a kind of a weird position near, again, we’re asking people to do more with less while still chasing kind of, in the band skills, like it’s kind of crazy. And now maybe with a reduced budget. And and I think it’s more critical than ever, not to give up on this notion and the commitment that people have been making organizations have been making to workers about things like experience, and not put all that at risk, right in in these, you know, yet again, unprecedented times. So how do we stay committed to employees expectations and experience and still remain competitive and strong, right, in this kind of crazy period? Right? So bringing that insights and value to workers to to help figure out how we can, you know, continue to, to maintain in this dynamic environment is huge.

Steve 17:22
Yeah, and the agility lesson, we hopefully all learned or continue to learn right, from the pandemic era, and even into today, I think it’s an important one, right. And I think the organizations and individuals, quite frankly, are being forced to adapt so much more quickly. And I think everybody says that, right, we could probably go back 10 years and 20 years and find some HBR article that says, oh, it’s faster than ever before. It’s faster than before. But I’ll put it this way. I would think 87% of everything I’ve seen in the last couple weeks, around human capital management and talent, and everything, has the word chat GPT in the title somewhere. And were months ago, maybe I don’t think I’d ever heard of that word three months ago, whenever it was, whenever it hit my radar, and I’m usually fairly quick to learn about things, or at least hear about them. Right. And now it’s so that’s just one example. Right? And who knows if that how much that’s going to matter or not matter. But the fact that, you know, it’s just some other thing now that most organizations have had to wrestle with at some level or another, and it came literally out of nowhere, at least as far as I can tell. Yeah.

Chris Havrilla 18:32
Well, I think I think that is kind of the heart of innovation. Right? And I think it’s, you know, a real storyline here, right, is how revolutionary is it is really more about how people are experiencing it, you know, is the is technology any different? It’s just, you know, calling through a lot of data, pulling it together for people in new ways. Right? Or to, to simplify, right? You know, who has time to go cold through the ol internet and come up with, you know, the answers to two questions, are they the right answers, but it gives people that start, right, that that ability to go, Yeah, this is good, or no, this is an or maybe if I tweak this here, or, you know, whatever, and however, people are using it, right? Good, bad, right or wrong. But here, it’s the same thing. How do we how do we bring this together in, you know, in ways that people, you know, don’t have time to do? Right, yeah, we get overwhelmed by the tools by the data sources. You know, and I know, we’re giving you kind of some insights into some of this data, but I mean, the, the numbers are significant of, of people that are like, you know, they’re overwhelmed. So they’re not making decisions. You know, we call it the decision dilemma, right? But, you know, how do we kind of bring all of this stuff together just in a really simplified way for people Um, is huge in, in in. That’s innovative, right? It’s how people experience all this so that they can do things they haven’t been able to do it or do comfortably. Right. Yeah. And that’s make decisions and take action.

Steve 20:15
Yeah. And I think that comfort is an important point, Chris, you made because, you know, we’ve, we’ve talked about supporting employees and their career goals, and their career plans. That’s a new thing, right? It’s not organizations, I’ve done that for a long time. But to actually have a plan form an intelligent platform, a personalized platform where someone can actually translate those conversations that you may have with with your manager, right about your career aspirations and goals or skills you’d like to learn and have them sort of meaningfully turn into actions that you can take progress that you can make that that result in beneficial outcomes for both you and the organization. That’s the difference here, I think, right? We’ve mostly been organizations have always cared about their people that’s not new, but finding ways to actually empower them to actually, you know, achieve those objectives. That is a new thing, right? It’s new ish. And it’s certainly getting better all the time.

Chris Havrilla 21:11
Well, the linear nature, right? It’s not linear. Okay, your next step is here is here is here. Like there’s, you know, it’s a lattice. Now, it’s not like a ladder, right? And that, that the key there is that dynamic nature, things are still changing all the time. Right? And so can you know, how the system adapts with it, understands what’s happening, and can help people through and navigate those changes.

Steve 21:37
Yeah, and I agree, and I think there’s also a little bit of something to be said, for once organizations require certain scale, it becomes impossible once the organization hits whatever pick your number, is it 1000 employees, maybe it’s a little more, it’s a number, though, and it’s much lower than you think, where it’s impossible for me as a person in the organization is doing my job and showing up every day, right? It’s impossible for me to really understand the breadth and varied nature of opportunities that might even be available to me, right. It’s just impossible to know. And then certainly, in large global organizations, it’s certainly impossible, right? You can’t know, right? What’s going on with all the possible projects and all the opportunities that might be available to you. So you do need that technology platform that underpinning that common language that everyone in the organization can speak. Right. And, and that that shared, that shared vocabulary, both have of skills and have opportunities, right to underpin this. And that’s key, I think, as well, right. For an employee.

Chris Havrilla 22:41
I think it’s time for systems to actually work for people, right, as opposed to being the work, right. And that’s been the evolution of technology for a long time, right? We were constantly feeding these systems with data, and what what are we getting back out of it? Right?

Steve 22:57
I won’t name the company. But I remember that just reminded me of like that old line about a very, very popular CRM system that everyone’s heard of that, that everybody hated to use, because all they ever did was type data into the system, and they never got any value out of it. So but that can’t happen, right doesn’t happen as much with HR technology, thankfully, but it does. It does happen. Because one other thing I definitely wanted to ask about though, in the context of Oracle Grow, and summary capabilities, we’ve focused and I think correctly, just about exclusively on the value to the individual employee. Understanding skills, helping them find the right learning content and learning paths to acquire new skills, understanding their career path, growing, growing inside the organization stretching inside the organization, I’d love to talk just a touch about right, because the people who buy these systems and invest in them and have to are ultimately accountable for outcomes, their managers, their talent leaders, their organizational leaders. And for you to talk a little bit about some of the capabilities that Oracle grow will offer folks who have to sort of manage this, right, because it’s great for all the employees in the organization to be able to say, these are the things I’d like to learn. These are the skills I’d like to acquire. These are the career paths I’d like to go down, but the organization also right, has objectives. They have skill requirements, they have customers needs that they need to meet. And getting that balance. Right. It’s so tricky. I’d love for you to talk a little bit from the kind of manager of talent, organizational leader perspective here on what these new capabilities offer them.

Chris Havrilla 24:31
Absolutely. Yeah, I mean, we, you know, part of it is to get the, you know, to get the worker to have an active role on this, right. And so because when the when the worker has an active role in this, it’s giving more data to, you know, to the organization, about its people, right, and how that’s done. And so if you think about how that feeds into this whole notion of the skills, language, right, you were talking about the kind of the, how do we create this language? Right? We’re all talking the same language, and that language is becoming less and less about jobs and roles and more and more about skills and capabilities for sure. So, you know, with our, you know, enhance team skill center, right? For managers, it provides leaders, managers, even HR with that kind of holistic view of the skills and capabilities within their organization and kind of enables them to see, okay, well, what’s the gaps based on what we need to get the work done? And, and ultimately, to kind of achieve the business, the team, the business objectives? So it gives them that continued insight, right, and, and it’s, you know, real time dynamic as well. And it helps them guide the, you know, the, their teams, their workers as well, right, because now we can see what maybe the gaps are, right. So the same data can be used by the by the managers, leaders by HR, to you know, not only fill needs that they have, right, and understand, you know, who could do some of this work? Right? You know, also kind of that notion of how do we start to guide our workers as well, we know, we need these skills, we know we have these gaps, right?

Chris Havrilla 26:20
So I can start to prescribe learning, we can start to have these conversations in our touchpoints, which is the other, you know, part of Oracle ME, that’s kind of focused on that continuous, you know, conversations and touch points that we have with our managers, maybe it’s weekly, maybe it’s bi weekly, right, but also with prescribed learning, you know, through that dynamic skills side, they can start to prescribe a lot of that, you know, and see it again, on a dynamic nature, so, and they can start to figure out how they staff, you know, not just jobs and roles, but the gigs in the organization, aperture marketplace, we can, you know, start to use that data to advise on who has the skills to do some of this work, because we don’t always get headcount when we ask for it. I don’t know, maybe other people have experienced that on occasion, right? But how do we tap into all the side, there’s the work still has to get done, we can create gigs, we can see who has the skills and capabilities for these gigs. We’re now getting visibility when we put gigs out there into the work of the organization that isn’t being done in in roles. And it’s so it’s creating that dialogue, but most of this is all to bring people together and all solving for the same thing. But yeah, I think for you know, like, that’s the most powerful of that is that alignment, to, you know, organizational team objectives, you know, worker objectives, and being able to manage that as the manager is, it’s not like you’re operating in the dark anymore.

Steve 27:57
That’s a great analogy, Chris, because I would have said, Yeah, years ago, not even that long ago, honestly, maybe for many organizations still today, right? It’s very difficult to know, at a macro level, where the organization or even a small subset, a division or a group or business unit stands, right compared to the skills that are possessed by the folks in that organization. And the skills that the business is really requiring to keep up with the market, adapt to new technologies, expanding new territories, you name it, right? Whatever the case may see real time how it’s changing and evolving, right? Yeah, and have visibility into it in real time. And just to keep up and even honestly, right, even if you were not going anywhere, like I get it, I’ve been doing some research around on healthcare project I’m working on and one of the things that was so fascinating to me in this research is that, you know, the fundamental nature of frontline healthcare service providers doesn’t it’s not really any different today than it was probably 100 years ago, it’s right. People come in the door, we take care of them, we diagnose them, we treat them, we try to make them better, etc. But everything else about it, right, and then all of a sudden COVID showed up and then everything was changed again, right. And so the even if the organization’s mission was the same as it was 100 years ago, in able to fulfill that mission required drastic change on behalf of the organization, its leaders, its teams, the skills that they needed, all different, largely right now. But and so I think that’s not unique in industry, or any kind of industry today.

Chris Havrilla 29:32
It’s, you know, like the same problems, and it’s kind of maybe different aspects of it, you know, and they’re dealing with different things. And, at the end of the day, we still have to, I mean, the average shelf life of a skill is 1824 months. So even if you think about patient care, right, but but the even the technology is changing constantly and how they evolve it or the challenges that they’re facing with with burnout and resilience and and yeah, I’m leaving just to go to another healthcare organization, but leaving the whole industry, right, because a huge problem. Yes, some of the challenges you face. So, you know, it creates, you know, an enormous amount of pressure on how do we take care of, you know, well being, you know, but also keep creating, you know, the skills and the capabilities to deliver these.

Steve 30:24
It’s really, I think it’s a truce to say like, I think the phrase is something like you’ve got to run faster just to keep up today than he probably did in the past. And I do think that’s true. But I also think it’s not, it’s not discouraging, right. And if you’re, if you’re looking at new, new, new technologies, new platforms, new capabilities, like we’ve been talking about today with Oracle Grow, like we talked about, I think probably about a year ago, when we talked about Oracle ME, that product and those capabilities, it’s really encouraging to know that HCM technology is adapting to help organizations keep up with these challenges, right, and always be challenged and struggled. Let’s say this, you know, if you’re, if your organization is bought into, you know, we’re changing our mindset, we’re going to move off of jobs and roles, and we want to focus on skills, until everybody’s saying that right now, it’s very, very hip to say that right now. And that’s great. And I’m for that, you better make sure you have the right technology underpinnings, that actually support you making that transition, because that’s not easy. And it will be challenging for you, for sure. So what’s been happening here at Oracle over the last five, seven years, and including up until today with the Oracle Grow announcement indicates to me that you guys get out and you stand ready to sort of help your current customers and new customers that come in and getting intrigued and interested in this.

Chris Havrilla 31:47
Right? Because that journey, right to change the dialogue. And I don’t think either either one, whether it’s a skills conversation or jobs conversation, you’ve got to be able to have both, right? Yeah, really do you know because people are going to be a different paths and and no matter what this dynamic, changing world had people have to be prepared to deal with it.

Steve 32:08
Yeah, this is really, really good stuff. Chris, I’m so excited. I’m lucky enough to be a part of the human resource executive top HR Product of the Year process, I’ll be looking forward to deep diving into Oracle Grow here in the next month or so with the team at Oracle, much like I did last year with Oracle ME. I’m excited about that. And I want to congratulate you, the entire team over at Oracle HCM for the amazing work you guys continue to do. And we’ll put some links in the show notes both to the Oracle growth staff to press release that’s come out to announce Oracle Grow and maybe some other things too. And I’m excited Chris to see you here and I’m gonna see you in person soon as well. So we’ve learned we shall we learned we’ll be in the same place shortly. Which is exciting.

Chris Havrilla 32:54
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. We’ll be glad to get you those links. Especially that new data study decision dilemma I think that’ll be nice thing for people. It really speaks to our unique opportunity at Oracle HCM to deliver this kind of experience to people that that other tools and and technologies can so we’re excited to so thank you so much.

Steve 33:16
My pleasure. Chris Havrilla, VP Product Strategy, Oracle HCM great to see great to see her once again. We’re gonna after the show, I’m gonna tally up Chris’s appearance, she might be eligible for the fine fine prize that longtime guests of the of the podcast receive. But with that said, we want to thank her again, thank our friends at Oracle. Again, looking forward to all the continued innovation rates gonna be a great spring and summer and fall. I did see that Oracle Cloud World registration now open for the fall. I’m excited about that. That’s maybe another story, though. No, good lord. It goes so fast.

Steve 33:54
But thanks for Chris once again. And thanks, everybody, for listening. I love geeking out on HR technology on the HR Happy Hour Show. So I hope you do as well. Stay tuned for more of this as we hit the busy event season in the spring and into the fall. So with that said, thanks for listening. My name is Steve Boese. Check out all the show archives at HRHappyHour.net. We’ll see you next time. And bye for now.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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