From Soccer to C-Suite: How Girls Succeed through Sports
Hosted by

Steve Boese
Co-Founder and Chief Data Officer of H3 HR Advisors and Program Chair, HR Technology Conference

Trish Steed
Co- Founder and Chief Strategy Officer, H3 HR Advisors
About this episode
532 – From Soccer to C-Suite: How Girls Succeed through Sports
Hosts: Steve Boese, Trish Steed
Guest: Dr. Gregory Charlop, Physician and Co-Founder of the Women’s Sports Forum
This episode of At Work in America is sponsored by Paychex, one of the leading providers of HR, payroll, retirement, and insurance solutions for businesses of all sizes. Nearly one-third of U.S. employees say their work schedule still remains unpredictable as a result of the pandemic, a factor they report as having a significant effect on their overall well-being – from causing financial stress, to feeling disconnected from family friends. And, this appears to be affecting younger generations the most.To learn more about these findings, and how you can optimize work scheduling to help better support your employees, visit today.
This week, we met with Dr. Greg Charlop, to discuss what top women executives and medical research have learned about the importance of girls participating in sports programs.
– The role of sports and leadership activities at a young age
– Leadership lessons taught by sports programs
– Benfits of caring for your employee’s children through flexible schedules, etc.
– From Soccer to C-Suite Conference information
Learn more here
Thank you, Dr. Greg, for joining the show today! Remember to subscribe to the HR Happy Hour wherever you get your podcasts.
Transcript follows:
Announcer 0:27
Welcome to At Work in America sponsored by Paychex. We welcome a wide and exceptionally impressive array of guests, business leaders, HR leaders, academics, practitioners, consultants and authors to talk about the most timely, relevant and challenging issues that are influencing the workplace today. At Work in America digs in behind the headlines and trends to the stories of real people making a difference in the world of work. And now here are your hosts, Steve Boese, and Trish Steed.
Steve 1:01
All right, we have a great show for you today we are going to be talking about women in sports and girls in sports and kind of helping and encouraging more women and girls to be involved in sports and what some of the benefits are, both for just for them. But also I think, even for some organizational, there’s some tie in here as well. And I want to get into some of that too. Especially why like I thought for a long time and I’m a little bit biased. I’m a I’m an ex athlete, myself, not a female exactly, but I always thought athletes made great employees and great team members so I’m excited to talk about that Trish, how are you today?
Trish 1:35
I’m good. I’m really excited too. I actually saw our guest on television and heard about his program and just all the work he’s doing so I’m really grateful he’s gonna come on and share that not just with me because I was personally interested. I am not an athlete. Is it possible to become an athlete? I feel like I’m becoming an athlete. My daughter is helping me okay, you know to become a bowler that’s an athlete, right? But anyway, yeah, we’ll look into it.
Steve 2:05
Let’s ask our guest, he can weigh in a bowl and he can tell me if that’s possible at my advanced age. Let’s welcome our guests. He’s Dr. Greg Charlop. He is a physician and the co-founder of the Women’s Sports Forum. He’s a physician and the father of two daughters, Dr. Greg is committed to girls health and wellness, with research showing that over 90% of C-suite women played youth sports. That’s incredible. By the way, Dr. Greg made it his mission to promote girls athletics and leadership. he co founded the women’s sports forum with Olympian Miriam glaz, this monthly q&a event tackles women athletes unique health and business challenges. Dr. Greg is also the founder of Retired Athlete House and created the seven week wellness program to fill the team void for retired athletes. He’s also the author of Why Doctors Skip Breakfast, wellness tips to reverse aging, treat depression and get a good night’s sleep. I could probably use all of that. And his latest book From Soccer to C-suite is scheduled for publication in late 2022. Welcome to the show, Dr. Greg, how are you?
Dr. Greg Charlop 2:13
Great, great. Great. Thanks for having me.
Steve 2:39
It’s great to have you. Yeah, we’re apparently we’re in the presence of like, like some star power. Trish has been talking about your TV appearance to me, even off the air. So that’s pretty awesome.
Trish 3:16
And not just that he has videos on his website. So I’m a little bit of a little bit of a stalker, I think.
Dr. Greg Charlop 3:23
Well, you know, I tell you, it’s gratifying because I found a lot of people are very interested in in the idea of helping girls be more successful and also helping women athletes. And, you know, I think all of us were shocked with that whole NCAA weight room scandal. And I think we all kind of got the feeling that a lot of women athletes and girl athletes are kind of getting short shrift. And and I you know, I am happy to say that I think there’s genuine momentum now to really kind of evening things out and realizing how important it is for girls to be involved in sports and leadership from a young age.
Steve 3:57
Yeah. Dr. Greg, I’d love for you to maybe share a little bit about how you, I don’t say you pivoted completely but you got interested in these topics, or was it because you were the dad of two girls? Was it just you discovered and your eyes got open to some of these inequities as they progressed in their activities? Or, you know, how did you go from just doing the doctor grind into kind of this, this project?
Dr. Greg Charlop 4:20
Well, honestly, you know, I hate to admit it, but part of it, I think, may be like a big career crisis. You know, I had been, you know, I’m an adult, I’m a pediatric anesthesiologist by training. And so for at that time, like 14 years, I’ve been working at a major medical center in Northern California, taking care of very sick kids. And, you know, I love the work. But I think that I had done it enough that I felt like I also wanted to try to do other things, and I didn’t want to only do that. And I guess you get to something where you feel like you’re you’re pretty good at it and you want to try something out. So I decided to explore other options and where I was working, they had very strict, I guess you’d call them non compete rules. You’re into HR here. So I figure that’s relevant stuff.
Steve 5:09
In California, though, they’re almost never enforced, but we’ll just throw that out there.
Trish 5:12
Yeah, you can do whatever you want.
Dr. Greg Charlop 5:15
Probably can. But you know, I didn’t want to mess with it. The big thing is they didn’t want you doing medical stuff. Sure, without going through them, right. And so, you know, I want to do other things. I’ve always loved health and wellness. And even from a young age, my parents used to make fun of me, because I was the kind of kid at a birthday party that I wouldn’t eat the birthday cake, because it was unhealthy. You know, they, even to this day, they think I was crazy. So, you know, I got into this. And so we moved from Northern California to Southern California, where I’d also lived in the past. And I reconnected with my UCLA buddies and athletes there and, and then I got sort of connected with the Beverly Hills plastic surgery scene, which is, you know, as you can imagine, this is big out there. And so then I thought, well, you know, I can finally work on this, I wrote a book, Why Doctors Skip Breakfast, and that was about anti aging medicine, and how to improve your diet and nutrition and supplements and sleep and everything to live longer. And I started working with athletes out there.
Dr. Greg Charlop 6:16
And while I was there, I realized something they didn’t know, which was that as a laborer, because I’m not a big athlete, I worked out, you know, but I’m not. I wouldn’t. I’m not at a bowler. But I wish I were. What I found is that a lot of athletes didn’t really get great medical care. Now, if they break a bone, they’re in good shape. And it was good orthopedic surgeons, but they’re not really helped with weight, and nutrition and everything else. And so I got interested in that. And then one thing led to another, and then we realized that women athletes in particular, were not getting good medical care. And that led me to just research it and find out how important women athletics is and how beneficial it is for them. And then that led to this research that you had mentioned in your intro, this EY did the study, and they found that over 90% of C-suite women played sports when they were younger. I mean, it’s just this unbelievable number. And so, you know, like you mentioned, I’ve got two daughters. And so this was something important to me. And I realized, you know, we’re very focused on how we can help women be more successful and how we could help girls be more successful. And I think maybe one of the best things might be just to get them to play sports and do leadership activities at a younger age.
Dr. Greg Charlop 6:16
Yeah, you know what I would agree with you, my daughter, who’s, you know, 18, getting ready to get out of high school and go away to college, she started playing sports at age three. And believe me, I’m not one of those parents who was like, Hey, I gotta push my kid into every sport. I think some, some young young women especially just want they want that they want that camaraderie and that connection in that team. And you know, and then just one thing leads to another right. And so it’s sort of like, once you have that entry point, I think into athletics for young women, young girls, they want more of it. Did you have you seen that with maybe some of the young women you’re you’re working with, or even with your own daughters.
Dr. Greg Charlop 8:16
So I’ve seen that with everybody except for my own daughter. So I that’s still I have to admit that a bit of a struggle, you know, I think probably like a lot of families, you know, COVID they’re nine now. So for a lot of families, COVID kind of threw a wrench in things, you know, they were doing gymnastics and martial arts and everything. And then COVID came around, and I’m thinking, well, maybe rolling around, you know, with a bunch of sweaty kids and a gym mat and indoor space isn’t, you know, the best idea. So we stopped. And then we kind of let it slide. And you know, I told you before the show, we had moved a few times around, he moved to Texas, and now to Georgia. And so I’ll be honest with you, we kind of let it slip. And then eventually I kind of sat down and I was like, Well, what are we doing? You know, is this important? Like, is this something that we should roll up our sleeves and say you got to do some kind of sport? Or is it just not a big deal? Because they don’t seem that interested in it anyways. And the more I think about it, you know, the more I think it’s really is important that they do something if they’re never going to be rock stars at it, but I think something is better than nothing here.
Trish 9:24
I would agree to I said before I was you know, I was more into piano when I was younger, and I was definitely pushed that direction. But I’m not an athlete. Don’t consider myself that although I like to play sports, but I’ve definitely seen and I have boy girl twins. So I get to sort of see the difference between men and sports. You mentioned earlier about how women don’t maybe get the same medical care in as athletes. I think that’s true. So I think it’s been interesting to watch sort of the progression of them both being very big into athletics, and all of the benefits but I think you can Get some of those leadership capabilities in other ways, of course. But I will say I think if you have young women in, in any sort of sport, really, whether it’s an individual sport or a team sport, I think you’re going to start building some of those skills a little faster. And now when you get them to the point of graduation, and they’re thinking about, well, I have to have a resume, but I don’t have any prior job history. You know, I just went sat down with them last night, in fact, and made up their resume. And it’s all built on leadership skills, communication skills, you know, just being able to problem solve, how to handle defeat sometimes. And that all came from being athletes. So I think that’s what drew me to your your current research your, your progression in your book, is that sort of directional reason that women are going that way, at a younger age? Are you are you getting any kind of feedback from some of the athletes? Maybe the female athletes you’re working with that? You know, they experienced something similar? Or? Or was it pretty different? Were they not strongly encouraged years ago to get into these things?
Dr. Greg Charlop 11:10
Well, you know, it’s interesting. So I’ll tell you, for the book, we’re writing for the From Soccer to C-suite book, I’m interviewing a lot of very successful women leaders, athletes, business leaders, people in media. And most of them played sports when they were younger, but not not all of them. But the vast majority have. And we talked about this, we talked a lot about parenting and, and I like to get into what do you do for your kids, because the goal of the book really is to help readers maybe get some tips about what they should be doing with their own kids, based on what the successful women have done. And so the things that that often come up, are really some of the stuff you mentioned, in terms of teamwork is a big one. I mean, every successful person, they’re not, you know, in a vacuum there, they have to interact with others, and they can’t just elevate themselves, but they have to elevate the group. And sports is a valuable instructor for teamwork, taking a loss, you mentioned, you know, everybody kind of jokes that the younger generation, you know, they’re they’re snowflakes, and they don’t know how to handle defeat, but, you know, it’s a skill, like anything else. And I remember when my kids were younger, you know, I didn’t like playing board games with them. Because if they lost, it was like, you know, they’re overturning the board, you know, pieces are flying everywhere. And I’m, like, look like you don’t win every time. Like, that’s, you know, you have to accept, accept that and then just get up and brush yourself off and play the next day. And, and so the woman I interviewed, this is a big point, you know, I’ve personally had a few startups and all the people I interviewed either have startups or work their way up the business ladder, and nothing ever goes the way you want it to all the time. In fact, it doesn’t go the way you want it to a lot of the time. And so this resilience, this ability to say, Well, I really tried this didn’t work. But I’m not just gonna, like throw my hands up and give up but I’m gonna find a way around it and keep pushing is also a skill that you have to practice and sports and leadership are a great way to do that.
Steve 13:09
Dr. Gregg, I’d love for you to maybe help take us through some of the, how you go from like this, the advice would says, you know, it’s a really good idea to play sports as a youth for girls, you know, you learn a lot of important lessons that you guys have been talking about a little bit. That’s what how do you sort of take that and put a little structure around that and develop the From Soccer to C-suite program, you mentioned, you’re going to have some events, got a book coming out? What’s kind of what’s wrapped around it beyond just hey, it’s a good idea for kids to play sports, which I think most people would agree with, generally speaking, maybe help us understand how you evolve that into into the program?
Dr. Greg Charlop 13:47
Yeah, no, I appreciate you asking. So it’s a few sort of components that we’re doing. One is the book or the goal, there really is to share with the general public, what the successful women business leaders do. And you know, the thing is that they don’t all agree among themselves about some of the stuff. So it’s fun to see that because, you know, it’s hard to get two parents in the same room and have them agree on on parenting styles. You know, like I asked, I pretty much asked everybody like, if your kid doesn’t want to play sport, should you force them?
Steve 14:18
I struggled with that myself with my son, I really did for many years.
Dr. Greg Charlop 14:23
Well, some of them say, Yeah, you know, you gotta force them. You can let them pick what they do. But they got to do it. They got to do it for a certain amount of time. And then they don’t like that sport, have them do something else. And others were like, Look, if they’re really not into sports, that’s not a big deal. But have them do something else like theater or you mentioned piano or something like that. They got to do something that involves kind of mastery and putting yourself out there and ideally working with teams. And then the other thing we’re doing it well the two other things. So for this, we’re having this conference series and it’s a nationwide conference series, the From Soccer to C-suite series. It starts in Atlanta. That’s where I am in June, goes to DC in July, and then New York City in August. And the goal is to have this be a regular thing. And what we’re trying to do there is we’re getting top business leaders, media, people, nonprofit, folks, educators, to try to find out local solutions to get girls involved. And what we think is that what may work in one city, I mean, you’re right, like, it’s easy to play sports. But there’s more to it, you know, like there, there may be local resources that should be emphasized in certain places, there may be certain challenges that people in certain communities face.
Dr. Greg Charlop 15:38
But one of the big things we’re really pushing for is the child to change the sort of media/cultural landscape around girls and women athletics, to make it where it’s not just some side thing, but that it’s actually something really important that we should be encouraging. And you know, the media plays a big role in it. So we’ve had a number of big media partners who have sort of gotten behind this. And then we’re looking at maybe even launching these corporate workshops, where we might work with HR departments, kind of like what you all do. And we’re exploring the idea of having a product that that HR departments could offer to their employees, to help them with their daughters to help them get their daughters involved in activities and help their daughters be more successful. Because we, we think that companies, I think want their families to succeed, even though that in the HR department, maybe more than anyone wants their families to succeed. And, and I think helping your employees kids is really a great way to do that.
Steve 16:41
Yeah, I think that’s a really good lesson.
Trish 16:43
I think it’s a really unique spin on, you know, at the top, you talked about, you know, getting into more than wellness well being, you know, that’s what companies are craving right now, or what are other ways we can differentiate ourselves by offering things that maybe haven’t been thought about before. I love this idea, because I think that is someone who wasn’t an athlete, raising two athletes, it’s been very challenging to find in the media, female examples, in those sports for that my daughter plays, you know, so she’s, for example, she’s a bowler, a competitive cheerleader, and does track track and field. And so unless it’s time for the Olympics, where you’re kind of hearing about track and field a little bit, you know, there aren’t a lot of women out there, there aren’t a lot of their, their female bowlers who are amazing, but you don’t really hear about them, she had to look up sort of to the men, because they’re always on television. Right? So for me, it’s a little bit about, yes, there are definitely some corporate advantages of encouraging this as a benefit. But it’s also really beneficial for your employees who can then turn to their daughters and say, look, here’s someone who looks like you who’s playing the sport that you’re playing that you can look up to as a role model, to sort of a mentor is probably too close of a word, right? Because your mentor, usually no, but at a high level, if you’re doing these, these events, you’re really bringing groups of female athletic mentors together, that people can see on video or can see and hear about through the media. So I love that connection. I feel like you have so much potential to build from that, too. So can you talk a little bit about you mentioned, you’re doing it at least already in, you know, three locations coming up? And can you talk a little bit about what kind of women are, are showing up to be your speakers at these events? Are they from a wide array of sports, a wide array of positions? Or how are you finding these women?
Dr. Greg Charlop 18:47
Yeah, well, you know, I just wanted to say one thing, which you touched on something which I agree with, which is that there are a few things that people care more about than their kids. And, you know, I’m not in HR but I know a lot of people that are not physicians who you know, they do marketing and things like that they work remotely. They’re constantly getting new job offers, they’re switching from company to company, because of a small pay raise or something, there isn’t much loyalty between the employee and the company, I can only imagine that’s not good for the businesses, because every time someone comes and goes, you know, you have to retrain them and everything else. I think as a company, if you could show that you care about your employees, kids, that mean to me that would be a great differentiator, you know, because then it’s almost more like a family and you’re all kind of working together for shared goals. But you know, in terms of people going to these things, you know, just about every, you know, the person that almost all of them have kids, and many of them played sports when they’re younger. So they’re passionate about this topic. And a lot of them like I said, they’re either from media, or some from nonprofit or from healthcare, but media especially there’s a lot of women who are Say senior television or movie executives or publishing executives and they played sports when they were younger. And so they care about this. And, you know, one of the things that I found because I’ve done a number of other conferences and other things, people are much more interested in stuff that has sort of a philanthropic purpose than if it’s just transactional. You know, like, if you’re going to a meeting and it’s, you know, it’s just about some random business topic, I mean, people will go, but people really are interested if they’re able to help other people. And, and if you’re able to help other people in a topic that you care passionately about, you could get some very impressive people to participate.
Steve 20:42
I’m gonna take a pause here, Dr. Greg and Trish to thank our friends at Paychex who make this possible. This episode of At Work in America is sponsored by our friends at Paychex, one of the leading providers of HR, payroll, retirement and insurance solutions for businesses of all sizes. nearly 1/3 of us employees say their work schedules still remain unpredictable as a result of the pandemic factor they report as having a significant effect on their overall well being causing financial stress, feeling disconnected from family and friends, etc. This appears to be affecting younger generations the most, you can learn more about this research and how you can optimize your work scheduling to help better support your employees at And thanks to our friends at Paychex, that’s a really big deal.
Steve 21:27
Honestly, I’ve read more and more about that slightly off topic, Dr. Greg, bear with me, the people not knowing when they’re going to work and how much they’re going to be working and how much more specifically how much they’re going to be earning and actually dovetails into this topic just a little bit. Because sometimes it’s like, hey, my daughter’s got a soccer game on Friday, and I boom, you put me on the schedule, like, you know, and I wasn’t going to be on the schedule, right? It’s a very real challenge that a lot of people are facing and our friends at Paychex are trying to help you get a little bit better at that and support your employees. Okay, thank you.
Steve 22:00
So I had a question, Dr. Greg, it wasn’t really in the notes. But when I read the notes this morning, and we’ve been talking, I thought about this and this was story came from a couple years ago. And it’s our tie in a little bit more to sort of our background to is I remember reading and I think I even wrote about this back in the day that enterprise rent a car, right, which we all know, right enterprise, rent a car, huge rental car company offices all over the country, they have traditionally been one of the biggest recruiters of college graduates of any company in the country, year after year after year, because they’re, that’s what that’s their fun. They’re hiring entry level people right out of college to go work, you know, in the railcar locations in the airports and all the other places where they have no recourse. And at the time anyway, and I’m pretty sure I’ve got this right, so I’m gonna say it out loud. They would almost exclusively look to recruit from athletes, between males and females, but from athletes in college and not, you know, not all American hockey, football players or hockey players, just athletes, Division Three women’s lacrosse player, you know, they that’s the end, they felt like for some of the things you guys have talked about already that that was a really successful recruiting strategy for them. The types of people who say, played women’s lacrosse for three years in a division three school, they were there because they a they loved playing lacrosse, and be you know, maybe they really come out sort of ready to go into that enterprise rent a car team, I’d love for you. Do you think that makes sense? And have you experienced or seen any of that, or some of the conversations you’re having with the women leaders that you’re working with? Or at the events that you’re doing? Like, hey, yeah, this, this can be a real good strong pipeline to help girls ultimately, when they get into the the career world, if you will?
Dr. Greg Charlop 23:44
Yeah 100%, and pretty much all the women leaders I spoke to said that, when they’re looking at hiring, they either directly or indirectly prefer people who have played sports before. Because, you know, there’s some stuff you just know about athletes, that’s almost certainly true. Like, for one thing, you know, it’s hard to do it. You know, like, if you speak to any kid, like I tell you, my kids are not doing that many athletic things now. And they’re only nine. And we’re already having trouble juggling their schedule, I can only imagine if they were doing the stuff they’re doing now plus playing lacrosse, you have to, like have certain skills, you know, you have to be organized, punctual, you have to be committed to getting stuff done. So just about every athlete has to have the skills to be able to play for several years, you know, even if they’re not Olympic athletes, and some people appreciate that, in addition to the, you know, obvious stuff, like you know, the teamwork and the resilience and everything else, but it’s hard for kids and for their parents to juggle sports, school and maybe some other extracurricular, you know, say piano or something. So, my hat’s off for these people. And I think it shows that they’re going to be better employees. You know, another thing which is unrelated but People who have been in the military when they were younger, that’s also probably true for, you know, it’s not so easy to be in the military, especially if you were successful there. So those those folks often, you know, are desirable hires from what I’ve gathered.
Trish 25:14
Yeah, absolutely. You know, you mentioned it’s funny, I’m sitting here writing frantic notes, because you’re mentioning all of the words around what athletes sort of learn and experience and the skills they they not only build, but I like the way you said they continue to practice the skills, which I hadn’t really thought of it in that way. But things like commitment, loyalty, organization, punctuality, those are all the things that we want is hiring managers and leaders, right. And so I think that you are giving your child a leg up if they can put that on there and say, yes, I’ve done. I’ve played football for 13 years, I’ve stuck with it. Right? I’ve, I’ve bowled for 13 years. So it’s it. I don’t know, everything else being equal, right? If you have two kids coming out with a four year degree, for example, for a certain role, and, you know, maybe one has an internship, but it was kind of, you know, not a long time, then you got this athlete who’s had a whole career as an athlete. I don’t know that might tip the scales in the athletes favor? I would think so. No, absolutely. Go back to my parents and get on to them for not letting me compete.
Dr. Greg Charlop 26:23
Well, you know, and I’ll add one more thing to the mix, which is the ability to take criticism/negative feedback. I hate to pick on my kids. I feel like I’m doing too much.
Steve 26:34
They’re probably not gonna listen, Dr. Greg, it’s my suspicion. That’s probably not our demo.
Trish 26:39
We have a lot of young listeners, let me tell you,
Dr. Greg Charlop 26:41
This is just between us here, but you don’t want to them I found she really has a hard time taking negative feedback. You know, like, if she does something wrong. And I tell her, I could just see that it’s difficult for her like, she’ll Archer back, she’ll screech like, it’s, she doesn’t like, and, and but the thing is, if you’re an athlete, and you’ve been doing it for three years, you have to be able to do that, like you, because your coach is going to do it, you know, and you’re gonna get negative feedback when someone scores on you, you know, and so and so in order to survive several years of athletics, you need to be able to deal with feedback and incorporate it into your game and prove. And I think from an employer standpoint, that’s something you want, because you don’t want someone that you’re afraid to say, hey, you know, like, you need to do this differently. And that they’re going to, they’re going to react adversely or quit, you want someone who’s going to take that feedback, and use it to improve.
Trish 27:33
Yeah, and who’s coachable from that? Right? That’s the whole thing. And I think you’re right, if you don’t learn that through some sort of athletic interaction, you’ll learn it later. But it might be a little bit harder when you’re older, trying to figure this out if you’re, you know, 19-20-22 years old, right? So learning it young. You’re right. I think too. You mentioned you have a nine year old do you have? Are they twins?
Dr. Greg Charlop 27:57
Yeah, twin nine year olds.
Trish 27:58
Look, I have twins. We’ve got all these connections? Look at this. No, but I will tell you so obviously, having twins, it’s different to because you’re constantly sort of comparing, this one behaves this way. And this one doesn’t. And obviously, I’m trying to raise them the same way. I will say though, I think some of that to you learn from being in sports, or activities like that, because there’s always a, you know, kids on the team, maybe that are a grade ahead, two grades ahead. And those parents are the ones that come to you and like it’s okay, calm down. That’s just the age versus is this something that this child is struggling with learning, right? So for me, I would be like, Oh, well, a nine year old not taking criticism, well, totally normal, no worries. You know, they’ll pick that up over time. And getting that consistent, constructive feedback from a coach from a ref. I’ve seen many referees umpires, actually when some, like say a pitcher messes up a pitch, right? And they balk or something, right? They don’t just get a bad call against them. They they actually have the the umpire might walk over to them and actually coach them in the moment and teach them right. So it’s that constant feedback from people other than your parents. I think that is also really beneficial to prepare you for feedback from people in the workplace.
Steve 29:15
That’s a great point. I think I think there’s so many really important developmental things, lessons to learn kind of things that even know right, especially Dr. Greg, your kids are nine and must be really hard. Mine, Trish and I are older now. But like, try to convince a nine year old, this will be good for you later. No promise. You know, this lesson we’re trying to learn today will help you when you’re 27. That’s a tough sell probably. I guess we can take comfort in knowing that we’ve lived through a lot of these things that it’s likely true and even if they don’t believe it, right.
Trish 29:50
Well, what’s next, obviously, you’ve got a few conferences coming up. I know you’ve kind of alluded to, you know, thinking more about how this might actually fit in to a corporate setting, a corporate training a corporate program. You know, we have listeners from all different age, age, demographics, locations that we have global, you know, listeners, what is something if you’re a listener that you can be doing or thinking about and getting involved with the programs that you’re putting into place, and supporting, you know, maybe young women who are interested or potentially interested in becoming athletes, what can our listeners be doing to connect with you?
Dr. Greg Charlop 30:30
Well, they could reach me I’m active on LinkedIn. So you could look for me there Gregory Charlop. We could also go to my website And I by the time this is your show is out there From Soccer to C-suite websites will be up so you can learn more about the conferences and the book and everything else. So this is probably the best way so. I also have an Instagram page, but I feel like maybe I’m too old to do it. I don’t know like I’m doing something wrong. You know, I like I do it but like I don’t really do it and like I don’t know, I feel like it’s more like out of obligation but it’s it’s really hit or miss. If you know how to you know, if you’re good with Instagram, and you want to show me the ropes, you know, I’ll be all for it.
Steve 31:17
Yeah, there you go. You’re gonna get one of those nine year olds, maybe they’re a little too young. I don’t know. I don’t know when you start with that. Maybe nine is too young for that. But we will make sure we get the appropriate links anyway, to your LinkedIn to the website in the show notes as well. Really, really interesting stuff. I really appreciate it. I am a sports guy. Of course I wore my sports jersey for this recording. You know, you can’t see this on the audio. Because I knew we had a sports topic. Just the topic anyway.
Trish 31:43
I baseball games to go to. I’ve got the Waterloo sports on. Right. All right. So this really want a doubleheader to attend today.
Steve 31:50
All right, Dr. Greg, we certainly want to thank you. We’ll make sure we put the ways to connect with you in the notes. And yeah, thanks so much, and best of luck with the events coming up this summer across the country.
Dr. Greg Charlop 32:02
Well, thanks for having me on. You guys are doing great work here. I think you’re filling a valuable need.
Steve 32:08
Thanks so much. Really appreciate that. All right, Trish good stuff. Thank you. Great show. Thank you for pulling this together from watching TV, probing the local area and having us connect with Dr. Greg good stuff. So Okay, one last thing I want to mention you obviously, you can find all the show archives in the show notes, subscribe, wherever you get your podcasts. And also, you know, attrition is we’re kind of expanding the show a little bit.
Steve 32:35
Let’s encourage folks, if you have a story to tell, workplace stories, some other story, maybe you want a story to tell and you think there’s a good place to maybe tell that story. Go to, hit the contact button, get in touch with us and let us know. All right, good stuff, ith that. I will say thanks to our friends at Paychex. Thanks to our guests Dr. Greg, Trish. Thank you and we will see you next time. And bye for now.
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