HR Happy Hour 310 – The H3 ‘Hot 3’
Hosted by

Steve Boese
Co-Founder and Chief Data Officer of H3 HR Advisors and Program Chair, HR Technology Conference

Trish Steed
Co- Founder and Chief Strategy Officer, H3 HR Advisors
About this episode
HR Happy Hour 310 – The H3 “Hot 3”
Hosts: Steve Boese, Trish Steed
Listen to the show HERE
This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, Steve and Trish launch a new series for 2018 – The H3 ‘Hot 3’, where Steve and Trish break down three topical issues in the world of work, tech, sports, pop culture and more – and tie them back to the workplace and HR. This week on the inaugural ‘Hot 3’ episode, we take on pay equity and disparity on the Today Show, what happens when an organization has a leader whom no one seems to be able to say ‘No’ to, (Harvey Weinstein, Donald Trump), and the importance of demonstrating both emotional and quantitative benefits when convincing people to change – told through the story of Trish’s new toothbrush, (trust me, it makes sense when you listen).
Additionally, Steve and Trish teased the HR Happy Hour Annual Oscar preview show, we talked about LRP’s acquisition of HRM Asia, and announced new HR Happy Hour video content. Finally, thanks once again to 2018 HR Happy Hour presenting sponsor Virgin Pulse –
You can listen to the show on the show page HERE, or by using the widget player below:
This was a really fun show, and we hope you enjoy it (and tell a friend!)
Links – Sonic Care toothbrush, The 9x ‘Better’ principle, Adam Grant TED talk, and 2018 Oscar nominations.
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