HR Happy Hour 478 – The New Work Operating System

Hosted by

Steve Boese

Co-Founder of H3 HR Advisors and Program Chair, HR Technology Conference

Trish Steed

CEO and Principal Analyst, H3 HR Advisors

About this episode

This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, we were joined by Ravin Jesuthasan, world-renowned thought leader on work and the future of work. On the show, Ravin shared how HR and business leaders need to adapt their thinking to meet the work and workforce challenges ahead. He discussed the importance of moving past old ways of thinking about rigid classifications and definitions of “jobs” and “jobholders” and focusing on breaking down jobs into more discrete tasks, and then evaluating how tasks can best be accomplished using a variety of resources – people, technology, or in combination. Finally, Ravin shared four key principles of what he feels is a new Work Operating System – and gives advice on how to frame your thinking to begin to take on the workplace’s most important challenges. This was an interesting conversation!


  1. Nicola Whiteman on 16th April 2021 at 7:04 am

    First time I’ve listened to your podcast and found it very informative and useful – can I get access to the text snd links referred to in the recording?
    Many thanks

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