Our shows

The HR Happy Hour podcast network is made up of a range of shows
The HR Happy Hour Show, as well as HR Market Watch, Radical Research, Inclusion Crusade, The HR Happy Hour on Alexa Show, and The HR Happy Hour WORK BREAK.

All podcast episodes

You can listen to the latest shows here, or you can subscribe by searching for 'HR Happy Hour' on Apple Podcast, Stitcher Radio, Google Podcast, or your favorite podcast app.


HR Happy Hour WORK BREAK! Episode 8

Today, we talked about a horrible glitter bronzer experience, quarantine ideas from Gareth Jones who is using the Wim Hot Method.

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HR Happy Hour WORK BREAK! Episode 7

Today, we talk about extra time in the day, crafts,Paychex & PPP loan research, Cornerstone Inc. & s’mores.

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HR Happy Hour WORK BREAK! Episode 6

Steve & I talk about bees, murder hornets and what Oracle is doing to partner w/the World Bee Project.

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HR Happy Hour 424 – Workplace Movie Hall of Fame: The Devil Wears Prada

This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, Steve and Trish break down the 2006 Film “The Devil Wears Prada” one of the great workplace movies of the last 20 years.

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HR Happy Hour WORK BREAK! Episode 5

We talked about our friends at SAP Ariba, “fake” commutes, and more.

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HR Happy Hour on Alexa – Episode 233

In this episode, Steve talks about a new return to work toolkit that a Seattle venture capital company has made available to the community.

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HR Market Watch 24 – Do Employee Assessments Screen In or Screen Out?

Join George LaRocque of HRWins as he looks at the current state and future of assessments with SHL’s CEO, Andy Bradshaw.

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HR Happy Hour on Alexa – Episode 232

In this episode, Steve talks about a new workplace contact tracing application from PwC may allow employers to increase safety as employees begin to return to workplaces.

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HR Happy Hour WORK BREAK! Episode 2

Less than 10 minutes & we discuss an interesting, controversial compensation strategy!

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HR Happy Hour Work Break! Episode 1

Need a break from work? The HR Happy Hour WORK BREAK! is your solution.

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