Episodes tagged: Hiring


More Organizations Shift to a Skills-First Approach to Hiring

In this episode Steve discusses the shift to skills-first hiring practices and how it can benefit both employers and job candidates.

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How the Next Group of College Graduates Thinks about Work and Careers

In this episode Steve discusses what soon-to-be college graduates are saying about work, careers, and their expectations for their first jobs after they graduate.

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State Governments Join the Trend of Eliminating Four-year Degree Requirements

In this episode Steve discusses how many US state governments are eliminating four-year college degree requirements for many state jobs – joining a growing list of companies doing the same.

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New Salary Transparency Laws Drive Increase in Job Ads with Posted Salaries

In this episode Steve discusses how salary transparency laws are leading to significant increases in job ads that include posted wage and salary information – and leading to an increase in candidates.

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Escaping the Odds and Increasing Employment Opportunities for Millions

This week we met with Aaron Smith from Escaping the Odds to talk about second chance hiring of those previously incarcerated.

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Some Unintended Consequences of job Posting Salary Transparency Laws

In this episode Steve discusses some of the unintended consequences of new job listing salary transparency laws in NYC and Colorado.

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Hire Like Google: The Four Criteria Google Uses to Assess Candidates

In this episode Steve discusses the four criterial that Google uses in their evaluation of job candidates.

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Tales From the Labor Market: Kodak Hiring More Film Technicians

In this episode Steve shares a surprising story of hiring from Kodak – who is seeing a surge in demand for some of its legacy film products.

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Amazon Announces Plans to Hire 150,000 Workers for the 2022 Holiday Season

In this episode Steve shares news on Amazon’s and other company plans for 2022 holiday season hiring.

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Hire Like Apple: The Four Traits Apple Looks for in its Employees

In this episode Steve talks about the four traits Apple and CEO Tim Cook consider when hiring new employees.

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